Friday, May 21, 2010

Mrs Smith's Spiffing Day

I had a totally lovely day yesterday. It was sunny and hot. I did my community service which was really enjoyable as I caught up with an old friend and made a new one. I even managed a good walk from Barnes to Putney - body beautiful as well as face and brain! I walked the dogs and saw Jane's cushion in its new residence - it was a great hit by the way. In Barnes I saw some Union Jack cushions in a shop window and I have to declare them not half as good as mine and rather expensive; none of them had dogs in the middle!

My day continued in its same lovely vein as I changed the sheets and gardened the garden and cleaned the kitchen and finished the crossword (always most satisfying when that happens.) I then rang my friend Sensible Alison and invited Mr Smith and me to dinner with her and Unpresuming Ed tomorrow. "Of course" she said - what a nice friend.

To round off the fabulousness of my super day, Internet Dating Jane came to dinner. Unfortunately, she hasn't been on any exciting dates since the Frenchie but Big Ears is still sending her the odd message and she is being stalked (nicely) by a chap who didn't quite rock her boat - shame he doesn't get it ... You're ugly, she doesn't fancy you, you gormless twit, move on.

We ate banana muffins, as shown. The thing that looks like a yellow and black maggot is supposed to be a tiny banana.

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