Sunday, June 13, 2010

Politically Incorrect

You wouldn't want to be Mr Smith right now. Not because being married to me is anything short of sheer bliss, or because you would be about to be abandoned for the next three weeks whilst your wife goes trundling off across the North. No, the reason you really wouldn't want to be in his shoes is this: At Mr Smith's work there was a horrid man called Mr PC who was really bossy and aggressive and a bit of a bully as well as horribly politically correct. Eventually they decided they couldn't stand him any more so Mr Smith told him to pack his bags and go ... and so he did. It cost them a fair bit, mind you, but really it was so much sunnier without him they paid up without a squeak.... and a bit more. Mr PC got a new job without too much trouble and was aggressive and bad at that too. He has now developed cancer and is probably going to die. This is an awful thing to happen and I feel deeply for Mr PC's family. However, history is being mysteriously rewritten and is beginning to appear as "Mr Smith sacked a dying man." Hold on a cotton picking minute there. I know Mr Smith can be a bit of a heartless git at times but he wouldn't do that and anyway Mr PC left two years ago. Actually, Mr Smith sacked a healthy horrible man, even a horribly healthy man, as well you know. And what can Mr Smith do about this? Absolutely nothing.

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