Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chocolate buttons and jelly babies

The rain is here. My garden is pleased and I can hear it soaking up the water - maybe our grass will turn green once again rather than look like the plains of the Serengeti minus wilderbeast.

I thought the hot weather was making me tired but today I feel even more like lazing around doing nothing but eating Montezuma's giant chocolate buttons and few jelly babies to help them down. The student son has appeared and has set up a cow under a garden umbrella and is beavering away sanding off all the flaking paint. I am amazed and thrilled. Isn't there some hazard about using power tools in the rain? We'll probably soon find out and I will be cross if it affects my sander.

Mr Smith, the Apprentice and Student seem terribly hungry these days and demand more food than I can possibly cook. I have to do double portions of everything. Tonight they want Cordon Bleu recipes - (baked beans?) Oh well, I'd better go to the butcher and find a saddle of lamb butchered in the french style and some feuilletes aux poires. It has stopped raining and looks momentarily sunny which is good as I have no car.

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